Experienced Chiropractor Serving Fayette County

Professional Chiropractic Services in Fayette County

At Carmichaels Chiropractic Center, our goal is to help you live a pain-free life. Our team offers a wide range of services for patients of all ages, including chiropractic treatment, nutritional supplements, custom orthotics, and more. Dr. Artkowsky has over 40 years of experience working with patients to solve their back, neck, shoulder, and joint pain. As an experienced chiropractor, he and his staff can assist you in fulfilling your goals and achieving a healthy life. If you have any questions about how Dr. Artkowsky can help you, call us today at (724) 966-5117 or message us online.

Patients in the Smithfield Area Come to Us for:

Back Pain
Carpal Tunnel

Herniated Disks
Knee Pain
Neck Pain
Plantar Fasciitis
Shoulder Pain

Spinal Stenosis

Auto Injury
Sports Injury
Work Injury
Arm Pain
Leg Pain

Helping Patients in Pain in Masontown and McClellandtown, PA

The staff at Carmichaels Chiropractic Center is here to assist you when you experience back pain, neck pain, shoulder pain, or pain in your joints. We offer a variety of services to treat the pain experienced by patients living in the Masontown and McClellandtown areas. We also offer relief for those that have been in an auto accident that has left them in tremendous pain.

To learn more about our auto accident relief, please visit our auto injuries page or call us today!

Carmichaels Chiropractic Center Offers Quality Chiropractic Care

Low-Force Spinal Manipulation
Manual Spinal Manipulation
Activator Spinal Manipulation

Exercise Rehab
Electric Muscle Stimulation
Spinal Decompression

Shortwave Diathermy
Cox Flexion Distraction
Auto Accident Relief
Sports Injury Relief
Work-Related Injury Relief

Trust Us for Your Nutrition Supplement Needs

Dr. Artkowsky aims to help you stay healthy throughout all aspects of your life. That is why we carry a few nutritional supplements at our office that we think many of our patients could benefit from. We stock liquid forms of calcium/magnesium with Vitamin D and multi-vitamins. Liquid vitamins are easier on your digestive system and they allow your body to absorb the nutrients quicker than tablets or pills.